• InnoPort News

Event Highlight | Meet UP! Entrepreneurship Support week

The Entrepreneurship Support Week, organized by CUHK InnoPort, went smoothly from 17-21 April 2023.

Our booth offered information about funding opportunities, entrepreneurship competitions and education programs to promote entrepreneurship among students at the University. Teams from ORKTS and partners* then engaged with those who were interested in I&E (Innovation & Entrepreneurship) and encouraged them to get started on the journey. We also had CUHK Student Startups (Pi teams) Vivablee, Definer and READily exhibit their products and share their startup experiences. We also appreciated the onsite support of our partners and their promotional materials, like videos, leaflets, and booklets.

A new membership scheme called “InnoBuddies & InnoPeers” was introducted inviting the students to visit our coworking space in InnoPort and keeping them updated on I&E information. Around 300+ members were recruited during the week through online and on-site registration. Among them, around 100 members are looking for internship opportunities, around 50 are interested in technology innovation funding programs and 50 members are interested in social innovation funding programs. We will soon organize different I&E activities in response to their feedback.

*Venture Acceleration team (incubator of Pre-incubation programme), Social Innovation Team (office of HKSEC), EPIN office, the Office for Greater Bay Area Developments (GBAO), Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE), Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development Office (SRSDO)

Dr. LIN Huangquan from GBAO, Prof. YAM Yeung and Dr. ZHOU Yuhua from Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) came to visit our booth and gave introduction on the entrepreneurial support in GBA includingthe incubation program in SZRI InnoHub and Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition in China.  (Photo: ORKTS)
Dr Victor LAU, Head of Venture Acceleration Team, shared his inspiring thoughts and experiences of startup with students. (Photo: ORKTS)
The InnoPort team is open to hearing student feedback about their interests and challenges as entrepreneurs. (Photo: ORKTS)
“When the teams meet students! “- Students were happy to talk with the founder of the start-up team and explored the internship opportunity. (Photo: ORKTS)
All our InnoBuddies received welcoming gifts and were invited to visit our co-working space in InnoPort. (Photo: ORKTS)
Students are happy to know more about I&E activities. (Photo: ORKTS)

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探索藝術新時代:如何運用AI提升學生對藝術的興趣」工作坊 | ArtInSight

【Friendly Forward】我們誠摯邀請您參加由 世藝創科(#ArtInSight)主辦,並由 #香港電腦教育學會(HKACE)支持協辦的「探索藝術新時代:如何運用AI提升學生對藝術的興趣」工作坊。本次活動工作坊專為中小學的STEAM及藝術科教師設計,旨在探索如何將人工智能融入藝術教育,提升學生的創意與參與度。 *工作坊詳情:* 主題:探索藝術新時代:如何運用AI提升學生對藝術的興趣講者:#梁學彬教授(香港中文大學文學院副教授及文化管理文學士課程主任)日期:2025年2月28日(星期五)時間:下午5:00-6:30地點:香港中文大學創博館 Innoport 2B費用:全免 *參加者將可:* 親身體驗由ArtInSight開發的人工智能藝術教育工具,了解其最新應用。 聆聽梁學彬教授分享其策劃AI藝術展覽的經驗,探索藝術與科技的結合。 學習將AI工具融入課堂,激發學生的創造力與批判性思維。 *活動流程:* 5:00 PM:開場介紹5:10 PM:梁學彬教授分享 + 問答環節5:35 PM:ArtInSight 簡介5:45 PM:工作坊與藝術學習平台應用測試6:20 PM:意見調查6:30 PM:交流與結束 *報名連結:* 請點擊以下連結報名:https://forms.gle/v3fxPJC4b1F7dM3VA。名額有限,請盡早登記以確保席位! 如有任何疑問,歡迎通過以下方式聯絡我們:電郵:info@artinsight.tech電話/WhatsApp:9273 0157 *關於世藝創科(ArtInSight):* ArtInSight是一個專為中小學生設計的藝術學習平台,結合人工智能與互動學習法,提供即時個人化的反饋與學習資源,旨在提高學生的藝術鑑賞和創作能力。 ArtInSight致力與中小學合作,推動藝術與科技的結合,致力於讓藝術教育更具互動性、吸引力和個性化。 我們期待在活動中與您見面,並共度一個充滿啟發的晚上。感謝您致力於推動藝術教育,啟發學生探索藝術與科技的無限可能! 世藝創科ArtInSight電郵:info@artinsight.tech電話/WhatsApp:9273 0157 網址:www.artinsight.tech
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InnoPort’s 5th Anniversary Celebration Party 

This event will provide a unique opportunity for us to reflect on our achievements over the past five years and our vision for the future, while providing a wonderful occasion for you to connect with fellow guests and share in the excitement of what lies ahead. Details are as below: Date: 28 February 2025 (Friday) Time: 5:30…
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InnoPort UGB暫停開放告示

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