• InnoPort News

Event Highlight | Programme Wrap-Up: Innovate & Elevate with New Gen Creative – Marketing Consultation for Startups @InnoPort (04 Dec 2024)


We are thrilled to share the success of our recent collaboration, “Innovate & Elevate with New Gen Creative—Marketing Consultation for Startups@InnoPort,” with the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication (JC). This event marked the culmination of a two-month program in which master students in Advertising from CUHK JC engaged in in-depth discussions with our InnoPeers Startup Teams (SmartAge Intelligence, Doko Tech, DaTong, FACCi, and PLACY® (Physics Literacy Academy for Children and Youth)). The students hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds and marketing experiences, analysed the companies and devised comprehensive marketing plans.

Guest Presentation by Ms Winnie Lee

We were honoured to have Ms Winnie Lee, co-founder of the micro-influencer platform Spread-it, as our guest speaker. She provided both startups and students with new insights into micro-influencer marketing, covering topics about:

  • Next targeted customer base
  • Tips on how to run a successful campaign
  • The role of micro-influencers along the customer journey
  • Their platform for more than 40K+ micro-influencers (Spreadians)
  • Threads, a new platform for real-time conversations and interactions
  • Insights into the future of influencers

Marketing Practicum Presentation by Master of Advertising Students

The evening continued with the Marketing Practicum Presentation by the student teams. Drawing from their coursework and in-depth investigation over the past 2 months with our startup teams, they presented their innovative marketing solutions. The students provided unexpected ideas and perspectives that impressed everyone in attendance. This exchange of intelligence was invaluable and highlighted the innovative potential of the next generation.

Thanks to Mr Basil Cheung from the Master of Advertising, our InnoPeers startup teams, and all the students who contributed to making this Program a success! We look forward to more collaborations and opportunities to Innovate and Elevate together!

Stay tuned for more exciting events at InnoPort!

Ms. Winnie Lee, Co-Founder of Spread-it, was sharing her insight. (Photo: InnoPort Team)


InnoPeer Team Doko Tech and the student presentation group. (Photo: InnoPort Team)


InnoPeer Team FACCI and the student presentation group. (Photo: InnoPort Team)


The student group was presenting the marketing practicum for InnoPeer Team SmartAge Intelligence. (Photo: InnoPort Team)

The student group presented the marketing practicum for InnoPeer Team PLACY.  (Photo: InnoPort Team)

InnoPeer Team DaTong and the student presentation group. (Photo: InnoPort Team) 


The Best Presentation Award went to the student presentation group of FACCI. (Photo: InnoPort Team)



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