Thursday, 5th Nov 2020
CUHK Pre-Incubation Centre (Pi Centre)
Speaker / Guests of Honour

Mr Victor Lee (Founder & CEO, Rice Robotics)

Mr Jerry Szeto (Co-Founder & CEO, The AuLaitino)

PI Centre | Email
Language: Cantonese
科技日新月異,唔少簡單嘅任務例如送貨,巡邏及消毒空氣等等都可以交俾自動化機械人去完成。由一個電影橋段,變成現實中見到嘅產品,有無諗過當中嘅研發過程係點樣?研發公司又係點樣經營?想知多啲,就唔好錯過嚟緊由PI Centre嘅暢談創業啦!當日我哋請嚟Rice Robotics創辦人及行政總裁Victor Lee同我哋分享佢研發配送機器人Rice同埋消毒機器人Jasmine,仲有佢創立Rice Robotics嘅創業旅程!

Automated robots patrolling and doing tasks such as delivery is an increasing trend these days. Have you ever wondered about the beginnings of companies that provide these solutions? Then don’t miss out on our upcoming Entrepreneur Corner, where we have invited Mr. Victor Lee, Founder and CEO of Rice Robotics for a fireside chat on his entrepreneurial journey!


About Rice Robotics

Rice Robotics主要研發自主機器人,並為新世代企業提供策略性的變革。公司研發的全自動機器人可以自行操作電梯、旋轉門,充電,並於人流密集的區域進行導航。Rice Robotics主要為香港、日本和泰國地區進行研發:配送機器人Rice和消毒機器人Jasmine。

At Rice Robotics, we are building the infrastructure for next-generation corporates to deploy fleets of robots. Our robots are autonomous and can operate elevators and turnstiles, charge, and navigate in crowded areas without help. Rice, our delivery robot, and Jasmine, our disinfection robot, are freeing up employees to focus on more meaningful tasks in Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand.


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講者簡介 About the Speaker

Victor Lee是Rice Robotics創辦人及行政總裁,也是Gogovan的創始成員。 他不但止係中大校友,亦都係加州大學柏克萊分校畢業,並在產品開發和工業設計領域擁有7年以上的經驗。

Victor is the Founder & CEO of Rice Robotics, and a Founding Member of Gogovan. He pursued his studies UC Berkeley and Chinese University of Hong Kong and has 7+ YRS exp in Product Development and Industrial Design.


主持簡介 About the Moderator 

司徒冠豐先生畢業於香港中文大學。在修讀機械與自動化工程學士期間,以自動化飲品製作機原型作為其畢業專題,並以此原型參加PI Centre的創業育成計劃。於畢業後與其他中大校友創辦「柯圖科技」。「柯圖科技」致力開發全自動台式飲品方案,透過結合自動化機械、人工智能以及物聯網的技術,慕求將整個製作材料、沖製客製化飲品以及銷售和管理過程都自動化,從而省卻傳統商業模式的人力成本。

While pursuing his undergraduate studies at CUHK in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Jerry worked on an automated drink barista prototype, which he then brought into PI Centre for commercialization. Upon graduation, with 3 other CUHK Alumni, he established Automated Technologies Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited and is working on their project, The AuLaitino.

Automated Technologies is currently developing an automated Taiwanese style drinks solution. Combining robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things, the company strives to automate the entire process of processing ingredients, mixing custom Taiwanese drinks, management, and sales.