Preventive Measures@InnoPort
【Preventive Measures@InnoPort】
Given the recent development of the pandemic, InnoPort, while continuing to open the space to users, has stepped up the cleaning and precautionary measures. To protect everyone’s health, upon entry to InnoPort, make sure you have observed the following measures.
👉wear a face mask and take your body temperature (ensuring lower than 37.5C)
👉Scan with LeaveHomeSafe
👉maintain social distancing
👉pay attention to personal hygiene (e.g. sanitize or wash your hands frequently)
👉have your food and drinks in the designated eating zone in UGB
👉contribute to the maintaining of cleanliness in communal areas
We will closely monitor the development of the pandemic and further measures will be announced if necessary. If you have any inquiries, please contact
For detailed guidelines, you may refer to the announcement of The Registry.
👉掃描 「安心出行」二維碼
👉在 UGB 的指定用餐區進食
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