• InnoPort News

CUEA Happy Hour Talk series (Round 6) – Decode the Investment Opportunities in technology innovation business at CUHK (24 Aug 2023)

From left to right : Dr. Victor LAU (Head of Venture Acceleration, the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, CUHK) , Ms. Joyce NG (Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd) and Dr. Wai Shun LO (Adjunct Professor of the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK ,CEFAR Fellow) . (Photo: InnoPort TeamORKTS)

On 24th August 2023, CUEA Happy Hour Talk series (Round 6) was held at InnoPort UGA. We are honoured to have Professor Mai Har SHAM (Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President (Research), CUHK), CUHK alumni, students, staff and Dr. Huangquan LIN from the Office for Greater Bay Area Developments (GBAO),  Dr. Yuhua ZHOU and her team from Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) to join the session.


Ms. Joyce NG (Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd), Dr. Wai Shun LO (Adjunct Professor of the Department of Information Engineering and Fellow of CUHK Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy Fellow) and Dr. Victor LAU (Head of Venture Acceleration, the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, CUHK) were invited to exchange insights on investment opportunities in innovative business and impact ventures at the University.


Joyce introduced that CUHK Innovation Co. Ltd is a newly established company owned by CUHK to make investments in innovative business and impact ventures related to University’s technological innovations. In the field of developing stakeholder engagement,

it strives to establish effective collaborative linkages between CUHK innovation companies with institutional investors. A variety of networking events, MOU agreements, investor pitch day, and other related activities are used to connect interested parties, thereby enhancing the exposure of CUHK startups’ technology and accelerating their growth.


She also highlighted that CUHK Innovation Company Ltd will be launching on the 21st of September, and welcomed interested parties to join its opening ceremony. 


Dr. LO shared that the “Entrepreneurship DNA” was rooted among CUHK students, professors and alumni. Over the past 25 years, there have been many impactful projects and succeed listed companies from CUHK. His advice to CUHK startup founders is to team up with a diverse group of people and take advantage of the golden opportunities to find capital and establish networks.


Thank you all participants for joining us. We are excited to announce that the next round of talks will take place on 24th September. We encourage you to stay tuned for further updates and details.

Details: https://www.orkts.cuhk.edu.hk/en/news-events/announcements/3863-event-highlight-cuea-happy-hour-talk-series-round-6-decode-the-investment-opportunities-in-technology-innovation-business-at-cuhk-24-aug-2023


CUEA Happy Hour (Round 6) – Decode the Investment Opportunities in technology innovation business at CUHK (Photo: InnoPort TeamORKTS)

CUEA Happy Hour (Round 6) – Networking session. (Photo: InnoPort TeamORKTS)

Participants actively engaged in the discussion of how to make use of the university’s networking advantages and resources of technological innovation, in order to explore business opportunities and CUHK VC (Venture Capital). (Photo: InnoPort Team, ORKTS)

Joyce emphasized it is essential to outreach CUHK startups, alumni, investors and different community members in order to develop a sustainable CUHK entrepreneurial ecosystem. (Photo: InnoPort Team, ORKTS)

Dr. Lo is dedicated to fostering an entrepreneurial culture at CUHK.He encouraged interested individuals to engage with the CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurship Foundation Limited and actively participate in dynamic seminars and events.(Photo: InnoPort TeamORKTS)



ORKTS Mini-Symposium | Maximizing AI Research Potential with AI Supercomputing: Opportunities and Strategies with AISS💡

🌟立即報名🌟Register Now | ORKTS Mini-Symposium | Maximizing AI Research Potential with AI Supercomputing: Opportunities and Strategies with AISS💡人工智能超越界限,不僅惠及 #醫學界,更可推動 #工程、#可持續科技、#智慧城市 等領域的發展。數碼港「人工智能資助計劃 」(AISS) 透過資助合資格人士利用數碼港人工智能超算中心 (AISC) 的運算能力,支持本港的人工智能生態系統。計劃有助發揮 AISC 的運算能力,推動科研突破。 三位中大研究人員將於小型研討會上,討論如何利用人工智能技術進行研究工作,而數碼港人工智能應用總監霍露明博士亦會介紹 AISS 平台。📅 26 March 2025(Wednesday)🕒 11:00 am - 12:30 pm📍 InnoPort UGA數碼港人工智能超算中心代表:🎤 霍露明博士 (香港數碼港管理有限公司人工智能應用總監)講者:🎤 鄢振宇教授 (中大信息工程學系研究助理教授)🎤 陳曦教授 (中大機械與自動化工程學系研究助理教授)🎤 徐振星教授 (中大矯形外科及創傷學系研究助理教授)主持:🎤 徐仲鍈教授 (中大研究及知識轉移服務處處長)Artificial Intelligence (AI) transcends boundaries, benefiting not only #Medicine…
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