Event Highlight | BEHM and Secondary School visit : Empowering Secondary Students through Entrepreneurship sharing session at InnoPort (22 Nov 2023)
The Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship, and Healthcare Management (BEHM) department of The Faculty of Sciences joined forces with InnoPort for a special collaboration. The sharing session themed “Empowering Secondary Students through Entrepreneurship” took place on November 22, 2023, and welcomed a group of 30 students from St. Paul’s Co-educational College (SPCC).
The objectives of this collaboration were to inspire and educate secondary school students about the world of entrepreneurship and its vast possibilities, and second, to explore how CUHK support university students in their entrepreneurial endeavors.
The event at InnoPort began with an enlightening sharing session by Dr. Victor Lau, the head of the Venture Acceleration Team at ORKTS (Office for Research and Knowledge Transfer Services). Dr. Lau shared valuable insights and experiences from the world of entrepreneurship, aiming to inspire and ignite the students’ entrepreneurial aspirations.
Following Dr. Lau’s session, there were internship sharing sessions conducted by students from the BEHM program at CUHK. These sessions provided a practical perspective on entrepreneurship, allowing the SPCC students to learn from the experiences and journeys of their university counterparts.
Overall, the event served as a platform for secondary school students to explore the possibilities and benefits of entrepreneurship, while also fostering a connection between SPCC and CUHK’s BEHM program. It was an opportunity to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of entrepreneurial minds.