• InnoPort News

Event Highlight | InnoPort 5th Anniversary Celebration Party (28 Feb 2025)

Group photo of Prof.HO Kwok Keung Walter, Ms. Eleanor HUI, Director of Alumni Affairs Office, Dr. LEE Chi Ming, adjunct professor of the School of Life Sciences and Department of Psychiatry, Prof.ZEE Chung Ying Benny, Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Prof. SHAM Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor SONG Chun Shan, Dean of Science, Ms. Carman TANG, Assistant Director of Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Dr. Gene MAN, Head of Knowledge Transfer Events Management ,Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Ms. Irene AU, CEO of KALOS, Mr. Basil CHEUNG, Founder of Elio Brand Consultancy, Mr. Louis HOU, CEO of Child Parent Relationship Therapy Association of Hong Kong, Ex-CEO of Dialogue In The Dark, Mr. Raymond CHU, Associate Director (University Collaborations) of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Dr. Victor LAU, Head of Venture Acceleration Team, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services. (front row, from left to right) (Photo: ORKTS)

On 28 February 2025, InnoPort successfully celebrated its 5th anniversary with a vibrant celebration party aimed at fostering the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship within its community. The event was a full house, with nearly 100 attendees, which brought together a diverse group of entrepreneurs, educators, students, alumni and industry leaders, creating a dynamic atmosphere for networking and sharing insights. 
Professor Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Biomedical Sciences, initiated the event with an inspiring opening speech, highlighting the journey of InnoPort that led to this momentous occasion. 
Professor Benny Zee, Director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), also delivered a speech during the party to reaffirm the importance of expanding cooperation with various parties to achieve further excellence. 
The evening included a unique networking game called “InnoBingo,” designed to spark meaningful connections among the attendees. Guests were given bingo cards featuring interesting prompts and were encouraged to share their entrepreneurial journeys, exchanging stories that ranged from start-up challenges to innovative breakthroughs. 
Following the networking session, the highlight of the evening was a thought-provoking fireside chat titled “Pursuing Dreams in the Era of Generation Alpha.” Moderated by Mr. Basil Cheung, Founder and Director of Elio Brand Consultancy, the panel featured three distinguished speakers representing different facets of next-generation entrepreneurship. Professor Benny Zee spoke about entrepreneurship emerging from tertiary education, emphasizing how CUHK and InnoPort can serve as incubators for bold ideas. Ms. Irene Au, Founder of KALOS (Musicpreneur Solutions), shared her story of blending artistry with business. Mr. Louis Hou, former CEO of Dialogue In The Dark, offered insights into how profit and purpose can coexist based on his social entrepreneurship experience. 
As InnoPort embarks on its next chapter, it looks forward to continuing its role as a catalyst for entrepreneurial innovation and collaboration, inspiring the leaders of tomorrow. Stay tuned to our photo gallery at InnoPort website! 

Useful Information

Poster : Click here

Video: https://youtu.be/-84WXWsf4OA

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Prof. SHAM Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research). (Photo: ORKTS)

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Prof.ZEE Chung Ying Benny, Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services. (Photo: ORKTS)

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Toasting session. (Photo: ORKTS)

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Inno-Bingo game networking session. (Photo:ORKTS)

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Prof. Raymond SUM,Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) of the Faculty of Education and an Associate Professor in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). (Photo: ORKTS)

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Mr. Samuel CHAN, co-founders of student startup OAO Limited. (Photo: ORKTS)

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Participants showed support to two students MC. (Photo: ORKTS)

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Fireside Chat session on the topic “Pursuing Dreams in the era of Generation Alpha”. (Photo: ORKTS) 

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Voting session of” what will be your focus on 2025?” show guests’ interest area in 2025. (Photo: ORKTS) 

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Guests wrote down their wishes for InnoPort. (Photo: ORKTS) 

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Inno Ambassador interviewed and filming our honorable guests. (Photo: ORKTS) 

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Guests formed a long line and signed in at the reception area of inno330. (Photo: ORKTS) 



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MBα @InnoPort — 創博館旗下之營銷品牌學院

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